Mayor’s Week: 7 – 13 October 2017

Mayor’s Week: 7 – 13 October 2017

Yet another diverse week, giving me the opportunity of meeting individuals and groups from both locally and afar.

While one evening saw me entertaining a group of ‘Rainbows’ (young Brownies) at the Parlour and giving them some of the more entertaining history of Worcester (complete with a trip to the cells), another afternoon was spent with visitors from Halmstad University, Sweden.  The Vice Chancellor there, Stephen Hwang, was visiting Worcester University with a group of colleagues on a fact finding trip.  They took time to visit the Guildhall to discover a little more about Worcester, and commented that it was not dissimilar to their own city.

And that was not the only group of visitors from abroad this week.  I was able to welcome members of a friendship and business delegation from Hezhou, in the Guangxi Zhuang region of China.  This is not the first time their city representatives have visited Worcester in a bid to both preserve and foster cultural and economic relationships.

On Saturday Alison and I were at the Perdiswell Swimming Pool where the first Open meeting, since the pool became operational, took place.  There were some very exciting events from swimmers across the country with a ‘Skin’s’ Competition, which basically means some very fast swimming by male and female contestants.

In contrast we visited Claines Church at the weekend to hear a number of pieces of Chamber music performed by Astaria.  This quartet is very supportive of young people throughout the county becoming more involved with music and actually taking up instruments.  I hope their Festival weekend was a success.

This week we were also at the Hive Library which had been selected to host the School Librarian of the year award.  This attracted visitors from London, Scotland and Dublin.  All those who I spoke to were very impressed with this facility marvelling at the space available, the assistance provided and selection of books available.

And finally we visited the premises of Worcestershire Parents and Carers Community in Worcester.  While having three part time paid staff the centre which provides support and respite assistance to parents is effectively run by a group of volunteers, all dedicated to providing the best possible service.



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