Mayor’s Week: December 25 – December 31

Mayor’s Week: December 25 – December 31

Our weapon of choice this year was duck. Thankyou Mr. N. It was preceded by a festive mayoral pint in our local, The Plough, Christmas jumper and chain. We exchanged presents, texted family, watched the King’s speech, ate and drank. And that was it.

The crowd in the pub inspired my “Seasonal Notable Message”, striking a happy medium. Some went home alone, happy, some less so. Some were tipsy, some were not drinking. Some had fish, or turkey, or vegetarian spaghetti bolognaise. Some went to friends or family. Some gave presents, some got them. A few may even have been to church, given the main message of the day. Some took a cab, with a driver of a different faith, but a faith, nonetheless.

Talking of fowl, my other mayoral duty this week was feeding swans in the river’s Swan Sanctuary. Inches from a wartime bomb site, we threw food pellets to one of those beautiful and iconic images of Worcester, serene atop, beating their legs furiously beneath.

A great metaphor for our challenging times. Costs dictate how many presents you buy, what you eat, and can you heat your home for three extra days off work. If you are in work. Travel disruption can keep you from loved ones. Some worry about facing a health emergency. Maybe some are hosting refugees from a war in Europe, or other persecution. For many, the climate emergency adds impetus to our recycling wrapping paper and Christmas trees.

But we can still have fun because it is a holiday and you can leave troubles behind for a few days, but God help you if you just wanted to watch the telly. There was only one programme worth it, The Boy, the Mole etc.

Simple message for the New Year: build confidence in others and be kind.



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