Mayor’s Week: November 6 – November 12, 2022

Mayor’s Week: November 6 – November 12, 2022

It was good to see the University graduates able to mark and celebrate their academic successes at the right time of year again last week. A little blown and blustered by the weather maybe but I hope your friends and families enjoyed their visit to our great City too.

I met some really interesting young graduates at the Annual Dinner, keen to make their mark on the world. And it reminded me that with regret I had had to miss the Heart of Worcestershire’s college graduation events earlier in September due to mourning protocol. Nonetheless, Worcester is blessed with a host of talented young people – whether the Mayor turns up or not! Well done all of you.

I am not sure many of those students will get the next link but what do you get if you cross a yellow robot with a thing with long trailing tentacles on water? Yep, a jellyfishbot of course. Designed to clean up detritus, leaves, oil spillage and general rubbish floating on or just below the surface of our waterways, this machine made its Worcester debut this week in Diglis Marina.

In the week of COP27 – how many COPS do we need to have before something happens? – this is a pertinent reminder that we can protect the environment from the bottom up. Apart from the size, shape and the fact it floats on the water, it reminded me of the Yellow Submarine. A bit. It’s yellow.

It is however, a great technological asset to keeping canals and rivers clean, encouraging marine life, and making our environment look its best. Well done to the winner of the poster painting competition as well, though I fear your entry was a little damp as I plucked it from the water.

Thanks to Café Afloat for the coffee by the way!



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