The Mayor’s festive message

The Mayor’s festive message

The generosity of Worcestershire folk never ceases to amaze me, and few days go by that I’m not left truly humbled by the actions or the sentiments of people here in a city and county that I never view as anything less than wonderful.  As an illustration, the hundreds of Christmas cards I’ve received, not only as mayor but also as a private individual.  For which, my sincerest thanks.

I’m additionally grateful for this opportunity to wish you all – with no exception – the happiest and most joyful Christmas ever.  It’s a time for bridging those small differences in race and religion.  A time for peace and harmony. And a time for family. Be assured that just as you and your family come together over the festive days, so will mine and the other non-Christian families, all as one in marking this very special time of the year.

This too is a time of hope.  For the immediate, a hope that you will be celebrating the occasion in the manner that befits its importance and that you will extend your generosity to your neighbours, many of whom may be facing their Christmas alone and friendless.  So my most fervent hope is that you will show them that they are neither.

It’s also the time of hopes for the future.  That 2020 will prove prosperous for you all and that the message of peace and goodwill extends to every day and not just over this brief period of joy and thanksgiving.  My sincerest best wishes to you all.

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