Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 April 2016

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 April 2016

I’ve had some interesting experiences during my year as Mayor, including one recently where Freda and I enjoyed the delights of fried “Crickets”!! There were other types too – chocolate coved crickets, powdered crickets and biscuits containing ground crickets!  Where was this I hear you asking?  Well, the occasion was “WattFest”, which was held in the Angel Centre and was a community event in celebration of Earth Hour, a worldwide movement to raise awareness of climate change.  Their commendable vision is to have “a world where people can live well without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same”. Their website is worth a visit and can be found here:

Meadow Court Care Home laid on an afternoon tea party for residents which proved to be a really lovely event. Apart from some delicious food, tea and coffee, a singer had been arranged to entertain those present and entertain she did with a brilliant performance, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.  It was clearly an uplifting experience for residents and visitors alike.

The following day the Mayoress and I were invited to open a new wing in the Perry Manor Care Home, close to the Hospital along Newtown Road. (This being my fourth event in care homes across the city has made me wonder if my P.A., Gill, is sending me a message!  As my Mayoral year is coming to an end, is she sending me hints of life to come, post The Guildhall?)  Back to Perry Manor, a beautifully equipped home and a friendly and inviting environment.  I remember wondering, as I drove by when the building first began to rise from its foundations, if it was to be an extension to the hospital.  However, as the building work has progressed, it has become clear that this was something different – and different it certainly is, providing a great environment for the residents.

Sadly our High Sherriff stood down on the 31 March after completing his year of Office. Sir Antony Winnington and his wife, Lady Alexandra Winnington, have been a delight and a pleasure to work with and Freda and I will miss them greatly. Through the medium of this blog I would like to express my thanks for all that they have done for Worcester during their year and also to thank them for their friendship.  They have both been great and it has been an honour to work with them.  On a positive note, our new High Sherriff is Sir Nicholas Lechmere and I greatly look forward to working with him during my remaining time in Office.

The ceremony to declare a new High Sherriff, which is the oldest position in our land, was held at Shire Hall in the Court Room. There is a High Sheriff in every county in England and Wales, and their history and tradition goes back before the Norman Conquest. The Office is the oldest Royal appointment. The modern day High Sheriff has a very different role and function to that of his ancestors, but none the less plays an important role in our society today. Further information may be obtained at

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