Mayor’s Week: 25 – 31 March 2016

Mayor’s Week: 25 – 31 March 2016

A new tree was planted to mark the official opening of the new houses in Coopers Close, built by Nexus and to a very high standard. Energy efficient, beautifully designed and a million miles away from the old style estates, the new residents loved them too and said that they were so pleased to be living there.  As well as providing high quality housing, the development also removed a problem site where a number of deteriorating garages were attracting anti-social behaviour on quite a large scale.  So a good effort all round and a development that Nexus should rightly be proud of.

Val Hibbutt gave a talk about glove making in the very appropriate setting of the Fownes Hotel. It was very well attended, in fact so well that addition chairs had to be found – and even with them one chap ended up standing!  Val took us through the history of glove-making here in Worcester and it was absolutely fascinating.  I hadn’t realised just how big a business it was and that there were so many premises employed in their manufacture and, indeed, so many people.  The main business was of course leather gloves, so in addition to the making of gloves there were the tanneries and leather production, making the complete operation huge.

Blessed Edward Oldcorne College did it again! Their performing Arts Evening was a great success with a variety of music and song.  Year after year they seem to find new and very talented students, which I think says something about the dedication and expertise of the teaching staff. Whilst the talent has to be there in the first place, the coaching delivers the performance.   Well done to both the performers and the production team, it was a great evening.

We were graced recently with a visit by teachers and pupils from La Vesinet, our twin town in France. Their English was superb and it was great to have the opportunity of showing them around our Guildhall and explain a little of the history of Worcester.  As always they loved three things – the chain, the sword and the cells. Whilst in the cells one young lady saw a shadowy figure and screamed! I not sure who was more frightened, her or me.  The figure? Well that was a model of a prisoner half hidden in the dim light of the cell!

We also had a visit from Cherry Orchard School and, as always, it was a delight to talk to them and show them around. We are very lucky to have such a building as the Guildhall.

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