Mayor’s Week: 10 – 16 December 2017

Mayor’s Week: 10 – 16 December 2017

As the year draws to an end, Alison and I are spending more time in churches; however, it’s not all been carol services, mince pies and mulled wine!

Earlier in the week we visited St Martin’s in London Road where a joint Friendship Party was being held for local people.  The Rotary organisation had brought together members of the church, mosque and local community to share a lunch and have a general ‘get together’.  This has been happening for the past few years and really seems to have generated a lot of community spirit.  I do hope it is continued in the New Year.

And at the Bromyard Road Methodist Church on Saturday morning I opened their ‘Live at Home’ fundraising event.  Various craft stalls were selling items to raise money for this well deserving charity which helps more people to retain their independence by staying in their own homes through times of adversity.

The Friends of St. Swithun’s Church were this week celebrating receipt of a £1.6 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to secure the building’s future.  The roof, the heating and the toilets all need considerable attention, after which the building will be used to create a new space for sound and art.  This will add yet another dimension to Worcester’s cultural landscape.

Also this week we visited Bishop Perowne School where All Sorts of Performing Arts were putting on their performance of Peter Pan.  This is a not for profit organisation which teaches drama to those aged between three and eighteen years of age.  This was a great show which adults and children (including my grandchildren!) really enjoyed.

Then last Friday was a night to help raise money for my charities.  The Guildhall was home for the evening to the Elgar Chorale, and what wonderful carol singing we heard.  The Chorale was in fine voice and their singing was interspersed with various readings both humorous and serious, making it a great evening.

Of course it would be completely wrong to forget to mention my visits to Worcester Cathedral this week.  Not only were we treated to a lovely carol service from the Worcester Scouts, but were also privileged to be at the opening of the Christmas Tree Festival.  Entry is free but there is a request for donations to the DaisyChain Benevolent Fund which raises money to benefit the health of children and young adults in Worcester.  I really do recommend a visit.

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