Mayor’s Week: 28 December – 4 January

Mayor’s Week: 28 December – 4 January

Well first of all, A Happy New Year to you all and I wish everyone a healthy 2018.  From what I’ve heard and seen so far, this season seems to be no different from last year with people going down with ‘flu, colds and generally feeling unwell, so good luck in avoiding those bugs!

The last couple of weeks haven’t been quite so busy for me but those engagements I have attended have been quite exceptional. The Worcester News held their carol service at the Cathedral, while children and staff from Cherry Orchard Primary School performed their Nativity Service there; both quite different, but sharing a traditional happy theme with the congregations really enjoying the moment.

It was a pleasure to be invited to the 100th Birthday of Vera Keenan of Worcester, a lady who has given so much of her time to helping others in various roles over the years.   Now only having partial sight she appreciated the party put on by her daughters, relatives and friends at the hall in St George’s Church.  Some very nice tributes were paid to Vera regarding her charitable work.

On Saturday 23 December I visited the Worcester Countryside Park to start the Park Run.  I was genuinely surprised at the numbers of people who turned out on this cool morning to take part in the run (a few hundred on this occasion), and once again how many volunteers also arrived to act as stewards to facilitate it.  This is yet another event that would not take place without their support.

Since Christmas there have only been a couple more events which I attended with Alison, as well as my children and grandchildren.  The first was the Big Swan Feed at South Quay.  Here again a number of people turned up with their children to feed all the swans in the sanctuary.  They don’t do quite so well for food at this time of year, so all help is gratefully received by the Swan Sanctuary Volunteers.

And finally to the Swan Theatre (see what I did there?) where Dame Ginny and the cast of Sleeping Beauty put on an excellent performance.  The audience were enthralled, the children totally engaged, and me suitably embarrassed by the attentions of the said Dame.

Congratulations to them all.



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