Mayor’s Week: 11 – 17 January 2020

Mayor’s Week: 11 – 17 January 2020

Talking’s good.  It’s something I do rather a lot in my role as mayor, as a councillor, and as an individual, so any initiative that sets out to promote friendship and neighbourliness through the power of conversation gets my support for sure.  ‘Talk to me Worcester’ a lively community campaign that I was honoured to help launch at the beginning of the week.

Alas, the joy of being mayor is inevitably tinged with the less uplifting duties.  I was immensely moved this week by the funeral of the wife of my Stourport counterpart, the hardworking and very likeable mayor Ken Henderson.  That Lin died while still in service as mayoress added a poignancy to the service and my thoughts remain with Ken, his family and the people of Stourport for their loss.

My sagging spirits were lifted later that day with a look at the wonders of Croome Court for the launch of Chris Oxlade-Arnott’s uplifting exhibition Acorn to Oak, while a rare appointments-free weekend permitted me some welcome reflective Me-Time.

Oh… and talking of initiatives that bring people together, I can think of none better than the Lottery-funded ‘Best of Worcester Awards’.  We are looking for nominations to find that one very special Worcester person who went the extra mile for their community. Organiser Keith Slater and I spent the better part of a day dotting ‘i’s and crossing ‘t’s for the awards ceremony on April 2nd, right down to the music, due to be performed by students at Tudor Grange High School. It’s going to be good!

As for Wednesday this week, I don’t think the Mayor’s Parlour has ever been quite so animated as when I was besieged – in the nicest possible way, of course – by a very large group of beautifully-mannered Chinese students who kept me so busy answering their questions that I had no time to ask any of my own!

In all, a week of mostly highs, topped-off with the spectacular Worcester Light Night show – of which more next week!

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