MAYOR’S WEEK: 13 – 19 MARCH 2022

MAYOR’S WEEK: 13 – 19 MARCH 2022

Last Sunday the Mayoress and I attended the Tewkesbury Town Council Civic Service in the beautiful Tewkesbury Abbey that dates back from the 1100s. The service took the form of a choral evensong and featured music with local connections to the town and county. The service was for Joanne Raywood, who is the Tewkesbury Town mayor.

On Wednesday I welcomed a group of students from New College Worcester to the Parlour in the Guildhall. I spoke about my role of Mayor and gave the visually impaired students an opportunity to feel the splendid mayoral chain of office that I have the privilege to wear.

The following evening the Mayoress and I were invited by Lord Faulkner to the launch of the Worcester City Football Family and Friends Club. The last few years have been difficult for the club, but now they are back in the city at Claines Lane and I am sure will go from strength to strength. The club isn’t just the First Team who play in the Midland League, but also include many women, youth, and veterans’ teams that cover all ages and abilities.

Yesterday morning I visited the Old Fire Station on Copenhagen Street, which is soon to open as a new residential block. In July I saw the early stages of this conversion project, so it was fascinating to see some of the completed apartments.

In the evening the Mayoress and I were at The Art House on Castle Street for the Worcester Mela. We both wore Indian dress and enjoyed the delicious Asian food and entertainment that was on offer.

Today I will be attending the Young Enterprise Trade Fayre in High Street and this evening the Worcester Festival Choral Society’s performance of Bach’s St. John Passion in the Cathedral.

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