Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 November 2015

Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 November 2015

The Canal and River Trust opened the Diglis Locks to the public, showing them drained and cleared of silt with new lock gates being fitted. Considering the canal network was built 200 years ago it is in remarkable condition. The brilliant craftsmanship, construction and brickwork would be enviable today – and the system still works as it was designed to!

The Canal and River Trust are doing some really great work to keep our waterways as working, open and attractive places to enjoy our leisure time; it’s worth considering joining as a friend, which you can do here: or you can sign up to volunteer at

duke of gloucester

Our new Fire Station, at McKenzie Way WR4 9GN, was officially opened by HRH The Duke of Gloucester. The internal design, layout and usage was largely the result of input by the Fire Fighters themselves and has resulted in a very efficient, workable and practical use of the facility. Not only is it streamlined for very fast response work, but also has a state-of-the-art training facility. The Duke enjoyed a ride in the remarkable turntable extending ladder. When deployed, the fire engine itself is lifted off the ground on hydraulic jacks, creating a level platform in all conditions. A great and reassuring facility, well equipped and manned by a dedicated and committed Team!

firemen in action

It was graduation week at the University. It was very gratifying to see so many young people successfully finishing their studies with such remarkable qualifications and moving off into the wider world well equipped for their working life and, no doubt, as ambassadors of both the University and our great city, Worcester. We are very lucky to have a University with such foresight and a Vice-chancellor with a good strong right arm, which he needs as he has shaken hands with several hundred graduates!

Worcester is one of the fastest growing universities in Britain, with applications remaining buoyant against a falling national picture. Worcester has seen its applications rise three times faster than the national average over the last five years: 20% compared to the national figure of 6.65 per cent. In March 2015, the university won the Guardian University Award for Buildings that Inspire through its development of the University of Worcester Arena, a state-of-the-art sport facility designed specifically to accommodate disabled and able bodied athletes. In 2013 the University won the Guardian award for its contribution to the local community after creating the Hive – the country’s first university and public library.

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