Mayor’s Week: 21 – 28 August 2021

Mayor’s Week: 21 – 28 August 2021

The rain last Saturday meant the Mini-Mela Festival representing South Asian culture was sadly cancelled, but instead it will be held today with the Deputy Mayor, Adrian Gregson in attendance. As a result I had the Saturday off so in the afternoon went to the Worcester Rugby Football Club ground at Weston Fields on Offerton Lane, to join their 150th Anniversary Celebration Day. It was good to see many familiar faces and I watched an entertaining match between the Legends and Rugby for Heroes. Rugby plays an important role in the sporting fabric of our city and without Worcester RFC there wouldn’t be the Worcester Warriors – who play at the top level of the professional game.

On Sunday I made a surprise visit to Vann Vogstad’s home where his three daughters opened a lemonade stall which raised £36 for the “Race for Life” cancer charity. I was able to show then my mayoral chain, let them try it on and give them “I’ve met the Mayor of Worcester” badges. This was a fantastic effort and like the previous week when I was able to welcome Max Surridge and his parents to the Parlour for Tea as a thank you for his support to the Community in St Peter’s, shows what great young people we have in our city.

On Thursday evening I visited the Undercroft at the Cathedral to open the Confetti Exhibition by Jess Pritchard, a wildlife artist and creator of this work of art. Jess was inspired to draw large scale petals to emphasise how something small can have such a large and positive impact. Each petal is named after a different personality trait each of us may have.  Accompanying these is a series of short films playing on a loop, illustrating the meaning behind each petal drawing.

This was my first opportunity to visit the Undercroft (although I walked past it in the Cloisters whilst it was under construction); it makes a superb exhibition space. Whilst I was there the Mayoress and I also had a go at the colouring station which has been set up for both children and adults.

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