Mayor’s Week: 22 October -29 October 2022

Mayor’s Week: 22 October -29 October 2022

Madness! Risking ancient stonework and stained glass with a drumming class at the Eco Festival but the Cathedral is still safe and one of many groups advocating for climate awareness. After learning about trees and seeds and fox poo, we went to a charity lunch at Worcester Wanderers for the game against Hereford. Thanks to everyone who donated to the Mayor’s Charities and great to see some older mates there, and also at Droitwich Civic Service where some old friends from the Salvation Army Band played in the Bandstand.

Back to Madness and the WODS Our House night. Fabulous production, singing and dancing. Well done again! But if some of your feet are getting a bit tired, I opened Nicola Shearman’s new podiatry clinic mid-week. A local business emphasising that healthy feet, like your eyes and your teeth, are fundamental to a healthy body and lifestyle.

Teaming up with the Archaeological Society, over 70 people attended a lecture about the building of the Guildhall, crucially, in the Guildhall. Fascinating history of a building unique in the UK. We must shout about it more!

I was pleased to be able to attend the funeral of Godfrey Harvey and join a packed Service of Thanks. His contribution to a range of activities in Worcester is well-documented but I knew him largely for around 20 years with the Tourism Association.

Testing out my own feet, I wandered round the Virtual Time Trail, highlighting buildings and memories of Worcester through projections of photographs and film, and stories from Worcester folk. Using technology and imagination to engage everyone and give a free heritage show was great, part of the Know Your Place project. This was the sort of thing Godfrey would have loved, championing the city, celebrating its history, and getting people out and about enjoying themselves.



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