Before this year as Mayor, I had only a vague idea of what the role of Mayor of Worcester really entailed. Even in my year as deputy, I hadn’t really got a full insight to the day-to-day life representing our city. It isn’t until you fully start the role that you realise it is a full diary of events run by the well-oiled machine managed by the exceptional organisation of the civic office staff.

It’s quite funny how soon I became used to the weekly routine that is now a normal part of my life. On a Friday I am sent the diary for next week with details of each event, who to meet, do I wear the chain, where to park my bike etc. I then spend time finalising details with the office, researching businesses and charities I will visit and writing speeches when asked. It is fantastic that so many people want the Mayor to visit and I need to make sure I am prepared to give everyone the best of my time.

One of my favourite duties is to show groups around the Guildhall and Mayor’s parlour. Visitors, exchange students, local groups and charities all enjoy hearing the history and visiting parts that they can’t usually get to see, like the cells. The tour started off with the basics I had been told, but people on these tours have given me all sorts of snippets so that the tours have got longer and longer.

It’s such a privilege and honour to be in the role. It is also a great pleasure and I can honestly say that I am really loving it. I never cease to be amazed at the diversity of things going on in Worcester and by the hard work of so many volunteers and workers which makes Worcester such a great place to live.


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