Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 May 2021

Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 May 2021

This week I was delighted to visit Regency High School, which is in my Warndon ward.  The Headteacher, Tania Dorman, welcomed Dave and I to the school to meet with the School Council, who asked some questions about my responsibilities as Mayor and what my year in lockdown had been like.   The Head of the Council then took us around the school to show us their marvellous facilities.  It was good to see the school in action and meet the wonderful students and staff who make up the community at Regency High.  Thank you so much for inviting us to join you. We enjoyed it very much.

It was a week with an international flair to it again.  On Wednesday I zoomed with Rolandas Janickas, the Mayor of Ukmerge, our twin town in Lithuania.   We were celebrating ten years of twinning and there were 24 of us on the call.  The skill and expertise of the Lithuanian interpreter made communication so easy.  Many people in Lithuania speak English – but very few here speak Lithuanian.  English is such a universal language all over the world, and we are spoilt because so many people speak and understand it.  The Lithuanians are a proud people with their own culture and traditions and since the break with the Soviet Union thirty years ago, they have begun to re-establish their own identity.  They very much value the twinning relationship with Worcester, as we do with them, and we all agreed that we have much in common with each other in wanting to promote peace and friendship.

This is the last time I will write to you as Mayor.  I will miss this weekly review of what I have done, who I have met and what I have seen. Elections have come and gone with some shocks and upsets, cheers and regrets as we move into another municipal year.  Soon a new Mayor will be writing and sharing with you their week of events.  I must say that I have enjoyed this chance to reflect each week.  I’d like to take this final opportunity to wish you all good health and happiness.

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