Mayor’s Week: 2 – 8 October 2022

Mayor’s Week: 2 – 8 October 2022

If you can’t get to Venice this year, pop down to the Museum and Art Gallery on the Tything and see a fantastic collection of beautiful paintings of the city by Canaletto. This is a real coup for us to be able to see so many masterpieces in one place. His paintings are so accurate they have been used to rebuild cities and chart climate change on the canals, which seems bizarre but of real interest to attendees of the first City Environmental Summit, held last week. Let’s hope we make real progress here, so that we don’t have to rely on an 18th century painter to remember what our planet looked like.

It is 50 years since the first Pride march in London and the need to celebrate and protest in equal measure was shown on Saturday when I was able to walk with our MP at the head of a great parade. Well done to everyone taking part and raising our awareness.

That need for profile raising was shown later in the day at the launch of Black History Month, an opportunity to confront our past but also to celebrate the way in which Black History has contributed to Worcester’s own story, and continues to do so.

Community and volunteering is so often the theme of my visits, this time to mark the 20 plus years of the Bridge Counselling Service, and also the promotion of new and developing community activity in Rainbow Hill – my own Council area. The depth of support and activity is a constant surprise to me.

Finally back to the past – 40 years on Radio Wyvern was re-launched this week, along with those DJs, Sammy Southall, Mike George, Muff Murfin. Names that people of our generation probably remember the most. And the tunes! Takes you back doesn’t it, Tramps, Images…


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