Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 October 2022

Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 October 2022

Greek tragedy is not my ‘go to’ great night normally, but the excellent production of Antigone by Worcester Rep. was worth the trip. On the face of it, the story is a spiral of tragedies, one after another, but over the centuries it still speaks of issues of import. Of mental health, love, women’s rights, dictatorial power, all starkly exposed on a simple stage set for a modern audience. And great to see so many young people in that audience too.

Younger people enjoyed the most of Severn Arts’ Learn to Play event, trying out violins and trombones and guitars at the Arches last Saturday. And we met even younger people still, for Summer Reading Challenge winners from across Worcestershire came to The Hive for an award ceremony. Over 150 children over two days collected their awards. I hope they look back on their photo with the Mayor (there were lots of them!) and encourage their own children to carry on reading. Thanks to my deputy, Louis, for covering Day two when I was at a family funeral.

Passports in hand, we visited in Hereford at the weekend to give a big cider “cheers” to the AppleFest. Not only great hosts in the Town Hall, but a range of ciders on offer, including fizz and brandy, celebrating the apples and the many producers. This is the first of what is hoped will become annual festivals at harvest time, celebrating an industry and county often overlooked.

Thanks to everyone who donated to my JustGiving page supporting last month’s 10k Run – we have reached £1,500! Both Severn Arts and OnSide will benefit, and hopefully Monday’s World Mental Health Day did not go unnoticed by the wider population, but for many people, every day is a mental health day.


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